Scientific concept: Dormant butt syndrome


active-vs-sedentary-gluteHave you heard about something the media is calling “dormant butt syndrome”? (AKA “gluteal amnesia” or “pancake tush” or “secretarial spread.”) These funny names refer to a serious condition characterized by tight hip flexors and weak gluteal muscles, as a result of sitting for prolonged periods.

A recent study published by Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University suggests dormant butt syndrome may be the surprising cause of pain in the knee, back and hip. How so? When those major muscles are compromised, others must work harder to compensate, which may lead to discomfort or injury in the middle and lower body.

As a remedy, experts recommend unseated activity (such as working at a standing desk), stretches, lunges and other exercises to strengthen glutes.

Find out more about conditions connected to “sitting disease” in the scientific research section of this website.

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Scientific concept: good vs. bad cholesterol



Many of us are aware that the two basic kinds of cholesterol LDL and HDL can be thought of as the “good” and “bad” type, but do you know which is which?

Maybe this analogy will help you to remember:

LDL are Low density lipids – think of them as dust in a vacuum cleaner hose. LDL are light, fluffy particles that cling to and get stuck in the arteries which results in damage and inflammation that may lead to cardiovascular disease.

In contrast, HDL are high density lipids – think of them as forming a stiff brush. Since HDL particles are more dense than LDL particles, they dislodge the LDL  when moving through the arteries, just like a brush can clear out the dust from a dirty vacuum cleaner hose.

The optimum number for LDL is less than 100mg/dL and for HDL, it’s 60 mg/dL and higher, according to the National Institutes of Health.

To learn more about movement and heart health, check out research on the science of sitting and standing.


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Scientific concept: movement and blood pressure linked



Your doctor says you have high blood pressure (BP) with a reading of 140/90, but what do those numbers really mean? The larger top number, systolic, measures the pressure when the heart squeezes (beats) and blood moves out along the vessels. The smaller bottom number, diastolic, measures when the heart rests between beats and refills with blood. High BP or hypertension is a warning sign that your heart is overworked and at risk of heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm.

The World Health Organization says high blood pressure threatens more than 1 in 5 adults globally. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent high BP. For one, research suggests moving more may help – think of physical activity as an all-around release valve for your heart. Find answers to your frequently asked questions about hypertension here.

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